I don’t know exactly what it is, but there’s something about open water that speaks to me lately. It never used to be the case; I wasn’t a fan when I was younger. In fact, even though I’m a decent swimmer, drowning is one of my biggest fears. Still, I can’t escape or deny the feeling of serenity that water evokes in me these days. (more…)

As someone who has had both fantastic and terrible jobs in my career so far, I’ve learned to tell the difference between a healthy job and an unhealthy one. The unfortunate reality is that, if you work for a company, the chances are pretty good that you’ll one day find yourself in a stress-inducing position that’s bad for your health. Here are nine signs that can help you figure out whether that’s the case. (more…)

There once was a samurai who was renowned for his swordsmanship. He had fought countless battles and defeated hundreds of opponents on the battlefield. So when he heard that the emperor was holding an exhibition whereby a few selected warriors would be invited to demonstrate their skill, he began looking forward to the invitation. When it finally came, he read it with eager anticipation. (more…)