Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past year, you’ve heard people talking about generative AI tools, like chatGPT. People in the business world have been speculating which industries and jobs will be most disrupted by it, with the theories ranging wildly depending on who you ask. As someone who is currently pursuing their Financial Planner designation, my mind naturally drifts to that industry. Can AI do the job better? Is there a role for humans in the future? I believe there is, and here’s why.

If you’re a Canadian nearing retirement or already enjoying your golden years, you've probably heard a thing or two about the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). One topic that might seem a bit confusing at first is CPP pension splitting. What is it? Why do it? Today, we'll break it down in a way that’s easy to understand.

Yeah, I know… talking tax is about as much fun as pulling teeth. But if you’re going to invest in dividend-paying companies, it’s important to understand the tax implications so that you can make the best choices around where to put your money. Today’s post talks about how dividends are taxed in Canada.

As parents, we are constantly looking for ways to secure our children's future. One powerful tool in this endeavor is the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). In this blog post, we'll delve into how RESPs work and explore the compelling reasons why parents should consider opening one for their children.

You've been diligently squirreling away money into your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), preparing for golden years ahead. But what happens if you accidentally overdo it? Do men in black suits and dark sunglasses come knocking on your door? Is everything lost? Let’s unravel this mystery together.

The North American Financial landscape is constantly shifting and changing. There are some really great books out there that will teach you the fundamentals of investing and personal finance, and they’ve been around a long time for a reason. That said, most of them haven’t been updated to look at new realities of the world. In Canada, for example, we’ve got a full-blown housing affordability crisis on our hands, to the point that a full generation has all but given up on the dream of owning a home. We’ve also got the government’s attempt to help with that, in the form of the First Home Savings Account (FHSA). Older finance books sometimes miss out on modern concepts, and so I’ve got an updated list of recommended reading for you today.

The rise of AI has already contributed to an explosion of new artistic creations; think AI-generated images, videos, and even music. There’s already so much out there, and yet it still feels like we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface of what AI can do for us. Yes despite at all of the ‘new’ coming at us right now, I think that human-created art is about to experience its own renaissance alongside its AI-created counterparts. Here’s my take.

It’s the New Year, and as many of us take time to reflect on the year we’ve had and plan for the year ahead, starting a side hustle is one goal that I’ve noticed is on the list for many. It’s a fantastic goal – after all, who doesn’t want to earn more money so they can live better or retire faster? Like any entrepreneurial pursuit though, it comes with its fair share of challenges. In today’s post, we'll explore some of the common pitfalls faced by side hustlers, along with tips on how you can avoid them.

Every year at New Year’s, I take a break from the usual topics I write about for the sake of documenting my goals for the upcoming year. While I know many folks don’t believe in setting goals for the New Year (“You should be doing that all the time”), I find it’s a helpful prompt for me to reflect on the past year, and what I might want to achieve or do differently in the upcoming one. With that said, here are five thigs I’d like to accomplish in 2024.

In the hustle of office life, it's easy to neglect physical well-being amid deadlines and meetings. Before you know it though, all of a sudden you wake up and you’re 35 years old and dealing with chronic neck and back pain… not fun, let me tell you! By incorporating simple desk exercises into your daily routine, you can meaningfully enhance your long-term well-being. Here are five exercises that office workers can seamlessly integrate into their busy schedules.