Landscape photography is super-approachable for beginners; after all, your subject isn’t moving anywhere! It’ll stay right where it is until you get the perfect shot. That said, there are some basic things you can do to help your landscape shots be all that they can be. Here are 5 tips to get you started.

Lens filters come in a wide variety of different shapes and sizes. You have colour-enhancing filters, polarizing filters, neutral density filters and more. Within each of these categories are a series of subcategories; neutral density filters, for example, decrease the amount of light that enters your lens, without changing the colours that come through (hence the term “neutral”). In a category all its own is the ND1000 filter. It’s one of the strongest neutral density filters available, letting in 1024x less light than the lens normally allows. So why the heck would anyone want to do that?

This is the fifth post in a series in which I pick some really cool photos and break down the elements about them that I like best. They’re designed to help you (and I) improve your photography. In case you missed the last one, you can check it out here.

Alright everyone, today we’re going to dive into one of my favourite styles of photography, the long exposure. Long exposure photography is extremely versatile, and I had a tough go of it trying to pick a header photo to walk through with you today. I’ve got a real winner picked out though, so let’s jump in! (more…)

This is the fourth post in a series in which I pick some really cool photos and break down the elements about them that I like best. They’re designed to help you (and I) improve your photography. In case you missed the last one, you can check it out here.

Today, we’re going to dive into the world of portrait photography. This isn’t my strong suit when it comes to shooting; I know a good portrait when I see it though, and today we’ve got a good one! Here are the things that make it a standout in my eyes. (more…)