Recently, I’ve been playing around with a penny stock as a form of entertainment. I invested a bit of money as a gamble, was happy to see that it paid off. My money doubled, and I sold. Had I left it in, it would have doubled again. This reminded me of an important investing lesson: timing the stock market is a fool's game.

With spring right around the corner, our minds tend to start to shift toward thoughts of greenery and the outdoors. For me, I’ve also been jumping the gun on that a bit by visiting my local greenhouse and bringing some plants home to liven up my indoors. Plants have been shown to improve our quality of life; I recently wrote about 6 pet-friendly houseplants you can bring home, but today I’m going to list off a few of my favourite houseplants for beginners.

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post about why now might just be a great time to start a side hustle. If you haven’t read that post, go back and check it out! As a follow-up to that post, today I’ll show you a few different ways to monetize your side hustle.

Last week, I wrote a post about how now can be a great time to launch a digital side hustle. It doesn’t have to be a business you start, though; now is also a great time to take up a new hobby. One new one that I’ve picked up is painting miniatures. I use them in my D&D games anyway (which is a great game with a number of reasons you should check it out, by the way), and since D&D is off the table while we’re in lockdown, this was a great complement. Here’s how to get started with painting minis if you’re a beginner.

This pandemic has many of us bored out of our minds at home. Peoples’ mental health is at a near-all-time low (and remember, it’s ok not to be ok right now). For some folks though, now is the perfect time to get to work on that side hustle you’ve always been dreaming of but “never had time to start.” I’ve been super-inspired by all of the stories I’ve heard lately of friends and coworkers launching a new side hustle, and so today’s post will give you a few ideas on how to start a side hustle of your own.

A couple years back, I published a post about changes announced to the Canada Pension Plan. Now that it’s been a couple years, it’s time for an update on where we stand. Some small changes are happening again this year (and will continue to in each year until 2024), and I’ll cover off what those are this today’s post.

My wife and I recently signed up for a monthly Japanese snack subscription box called Bokksu, after reading about its creator’s experience with Japanese snack foods while living abroad. We’re pretty big foodies, and the chance to sample snacks from the other side of the world that would never be available to us any other way was something we couldn’t pass up.

COVID has kept most of us confined to our homes for nearly a year now, and indoor plant sales have soared as a result. But if you’ve got any furry friends at home, you should be aware that many houseplants can be toxic to dogs and cats. Luckily though, many aren’t, and it’s just a matter of doing your research and knowing which ones to steer clear of. Here are six pet-friendly plants that are safe for everyone in your house to be around!

Today I’m going to start a new mini-series that looks at some specific investing suggestions and advice for people in different stages of their lives and careers. We’ll start with folks in their 20s, and move upward from there. Whether you’re in your 20s or not though, there are some useful tips and reminders in here for a wide variety of people. Read on for five tips that are especially useful if you’re in your 20s!