A while back, I wrote a post about five great plants for contemporary home designs. They were edgy, modern-looking plants that fit in well with the clean lines typically found in contemporary homes.

Being out in nature this past weekend really recharged my batteries, and it reminded me of how important greenery is to our sense of well-being. So today, I’ll give you some options for plants that fit nicely into a more traditional home design. (more…)

This is the fifth post in a series in which I pick some really cool photos and break down the elements about them that I like best. They’re designed to help you (and I) improve your photography. In case you missed the last one, you can check it out here.

Alright everyone, today we’re going to dive into one of my favourite styles of photography, the long exposure. Long exposure photography is extremely versatile, and I had a tough go of it trying to pick a header photo to walk through with you today. I’ve got a real winner picked out though, so let’s jump in! (more…)

I was watching re-runs of How I Met Your Mother the other day, and there was an episode that came on where the main cast each saw their own doppelgangers. Ted, the protagonist, then went on to talk about how, as time goes by, we each become our own doppelgangers; we change over time, sometimes so much that we resemble our old selves only in skin. (more…)

This post is the fifth entry in my Karate Life Lessons Series, a collection of posts that examines how lessons learned training in the martial arts translate into other areas of life as well. You can read the previous entry here.

What is karate training, exactly? One way to look at it is that, at its core, karate training is preparation to deal with a situation you hope will never actually materialize: one where you need to defend yourself against an attacker. (more…)

This is the fourth post in a series in which I pick some really cool photos and break down the elements about them that I like best. They’re designed to help you (and I) improve your photography. In case you missed the last one, you can check it out here.

Today, we’re going to dive into the world of portrait photography. This isn’t my strong suit when it comes to shooting; I know a good portrait when I see it though, and today we’ve got a good one! Here are the things that make it a standout in my eyes. (more…)

This post is the fourth entry in my Karate Life Lessons Series, a collection of posts that examines how lessons learned training in the martial arts translate into other areas of life as well. You can read the previous entry here.

I noticed something while I was training the other day. I realized I can do something that I’m not sure I could do before I began my training. See, I train with a good group of people in my dojo, and I like to have fun and laugh a bit while I train.

But the dojo’s a place of training first, and socializing takes second stage to that goal. What I found interesting though, is that I could go from laughing one moment, to completely serious and full intensity the next, and then back again, like flipping a switch.

Great. Who cares? (more…)