I’ve been studying karate for nearly four years as of the date of this post. Throughout that time, I’ve learned a ton of lessons; lessons that apply both to karate and the world beyond. Sometimes the lesson is painfully clear (like keeping your guard up while sparring so you don’t get punched in the face). Other times it’s not so clear, and I’m still exploring most of them. But this series of posts represents a chance for me to reflect on those lessons for both your benefit and my own. I’ll specifically focus on lessons that I’ve been able to apply outside the world of karate. Today’s focus is the principle of Shu-Ha-Ri. (more…)

So you want to learn more about photography? That’s great! It’s a huge passion of mine, and one you can pursue for your entire life. You don’t have to spend a ton of money on a fancy camera and lenses to take great photos, either (though you definitely can). (more…)

As I mentioned on the About Me page of this site, I study Karate – Goju Ryu, for the practitioners out there. I’ve been training for over three years now, and what I’ve noticed over time is that the reasons I continue to study karate have changed since I first took up the art. (more…)