The Grass Isn’t Always Greener

Last night I was lucky enough to win an award from my company; what the award was for doesn’t matter. It came as a complete shock to me; so much so, in fact, that it cost me a bet and resulted in me learning to line dance at the company celebration. It still hasn’t fully sunk in, but what has is the fact that I have a great deal to be grateful for in my job.

I’ve been through a lot in my career; enough to know that the people we surround ourselves with on a daily basis have a massive impact on our overall well-being – not just in the office, but beyond it as well. Working with too many difficult people can having a damaging effect on your psyche that spills over into your personal life. And if one of those difficult people happens to be your boss? It’s a recipe for disaster.

I’ve been there, and I’m really glad I have. It’s what allows me to recognize a good thing when I see it, and let me tell you, I am about as lucky as a guy can be at my workplace right now. I have the privilege of working with an incredible group of people who are smarter, wittier and funnier than I’ll ever be, and they make it a joy to come into the office every day. In fact, I’m a better person for being around them. They’re not just coworkers; they’re family.

I’m also exceptionally lucky to have a leadership team – not just one individual, but many – who see things in me that I often don’t see in myself, and then both recognize and reward those things. This award is a direct result of that, and it’s an important reminder to me as a people leader of the example that I’m trying to follow for my own team.

Wrapping it Up

Organizations, no matter how large or small, are ultimately run by human beings, and the ones you work with have a massive impact on your overall happiness and well-being. For me, the people I work with are the reason I look forward to going to work every day, and they’re a clear indicator that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side – for me, the grass is about as green as it gets right here and now, and I’d be a fool to think any differently.


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