6 Pet-Friendly Houseplants

COVID has kept most of us confined to our homes for nearly a year now, and indoor plant sales have soared as a result. But if you’ve got any furry friends at home, you should be aware that many houseplants can be toxic to dogs and cats. Luckily though, many aren’t, and it’s just a matter of doing your research and knowing which ones to steer clear of. Here are six pet-friendly plants that are safe for everyone in your house to be around!

#1: Most types of palm trees

Areca Palm

Whew – sigh of relief here. Palms are an indoor décor staple, and luckily many of the most widely-available varieties happen to be safe for pets. Ponytail, Parlour and Areca palms are all safe for pets, but steer clear of Sago palms, which are poisonous to both cats and dogs.


#2: Spider Plant

Spider Plant

Another staple in many North American homes, the self-propagating Spider plant is an easy-care plant that also happens to be pet-friendly. They’re so-named for the baby offshoots they produce, which can be cut off and planted to grow another Spider plant. If you wanted to, it wouldn’t be hard to surround yourself with these guys before too long!


#3: Money Tree

Money Tree

Often sold in braided pairs to trios, money trees have interesting 5-point leaves that make great décor pieces around the home. They’re another pet-friendly plant that proves that pets and a sense of style are not, in fact, mutually exclusive.


#4: Air Plants

Air Plants

Air plants are extremely popular right now, probably because they look like they came from another world. Requiring no soil whatsoever, air plants draw moisture from the air around them through tiny hairs that cover them… but unless you’re placing them right next to a steamy shower, they’ll need a little help.

You’ll want to mist them every so often in order to keep them looking good… these guys are widely beloved for how easy they are to keep, and yet I unfortunately am a testament to how they are, in fact, killable.

Most people tend to hang air plants from the ceiling, or place them in decorative glasses on shelves, but it’s reassuring to know that, no matter where you pet them, you’re not endangering your pets in the process.


#5: Prayer Plant

Prayer Plant

The prayer pant is a bit of a show-off, if you ask me. Big, intricately-patterned leaves are safe for your pets to chew on, but honestly, these guys are so nice to look at that you’ll still want to keep your pet from going to town.

As an added benefit, these guys are also easy to grow; they’re tolerant of low light, so they’re a great fit for an apartment or office that gets relatively little natural light.


#6: Cast Iron Plant

Cast Iron Plant

Able to withstand just about any form of neglect you can throw at it, the aptly-named cast iron plant is an incredibly forgiving and easy-to-grow specimen. It lends a tropical vibe to any space, and because it’s pet-friendly, you can place it on the ground or on a stand as you see fit – no sleep lost about whether your fur babies are safe.


Wrapping it Up

Having pets at home doesn’t mean that you have to confine yourself to all fauna and no flora. With a bit of research, you can make choices that will add a splash of greenery to your home without endangering your furry friends in the process. The plants on this list are easy-care, no-fuss options to help you get started, but there are many more out there to choose from as well. With lockdowns continuing for the foreseeable future, your mental health might thank you for bringing a few plants home!


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