It’s been a while since I set foot in a dojo proper; Covid has made sure of that. But I had been diligently practicing my karate katas in my home’s basement each week… until recently. I’ve started running more, and with the nice weather, my katas began to fall by the wayside. It wasn’t until I did them again for the first time in a month that I realized how important they are to me.

Have you ever noticed how toilet paper comes in about 10,000 different shapes and sizes of packaging? How about power tools? Ever tried to buy a Dewalt drill? You have about a gagillion different options to choose from. Usually, the stores that offer products with this wide variety of selection are the same ones that claim they offer price matching. Here’s why I think that’s a joke.

Those who know me well know that I enjoy playing D&D with friends and family. It’s a chance to sit down, put the phones away and turn the TV off, and create a shared story together. If you’ve been reading my posts, you might have also seen that I’ve recently taken up painting minis to use in our games. What makes it fun is when you paint a mini that you yourself designed to look exactly like the character you play in your game.

Those who know me know that I’m an avid reader. When I get into a book series, I basically lose myself in it until I’m done the entire thing (occasionally to my wife’s chagrin). The most recent example of that happening was with the Fablehaven series of fantasy novels, and so I thought I’d write a review of sorts for today’s post.

It’s a question that’s on the minds of many around the world. This pandemic has us so hungry for travel it’s not even funny. Yet, even once we’re fully vaccinated, travel in the immediate future is going to look and feel very different to what life was like before Covid hit. Here are a few considerations to think about before you book a flight to St. Somewhere.

As someone who’s passionate about personal finance, I’ve been asked a few times by friends if I’d be willing to give a bit of a 101 session to help them take control of their money a bit more. We host these sessions on Friday nights, and call them “Financial Fridays.” Turns out we’re not the only ones who do this – not even by a longshot.

Training martial arts feel great. So does belonging to a dojo or gym, and having friends and students to train with. But have you ever felt like things were going a little too far? If your gut tells you something is off, it just might be the case. Here are 5 signs that you might be in a dojo cult; if you notice them in your situation, it should tell you to turn around and run, don’t walk away.