Book Series Review: FableHaven

Those who know me know that I’m an avid reader. When I get into a book series, I basically lose myself in it until I’m done the entire thing (occasionally to my wife’s chagrin). The most recent example of that happening was with the Fablehaven series of fantasy novels, and so I thought I’d write a review of sorts for today’s post.

Those of you who are interested in picking up the book can use this affiliate link to buy it on Amazon – you pay the same price either way, but some of Amazon’s profits go to me instead, to help me keep this site running 🙂 now, on to the review!

Fablehaven Plot Summary

The series starts with the main characters, Kendra and little brother Seth, taking an extended trip to visit their grandparents out in the countryside. After spending a bit of time on the property, they discover it is actually a sanctuary for magical creatures. Some of these creatures are benevolent, while others are more malicious.

As Kendra and Seth experience more of the creatures that inhabit the sanctuary, they begin to realize that there’s more going on than first meets the eye. Diving down the rabbit hole, the pair eventually learn of a plot that, if fulfilled, would spell certain doom for the whole world. In order to stop the plan, the brother-sister duo need to make new allies, sharpen their instincts, and call upon magical powers they previously didn’t know existed.

What the Series Does Well

The series’ author, Brandon Mull, does a fantastic job of painting a world of magic, complete with its own set of laws and customs. Thought not quite on the same level as the wizarding world that J.K. Rowling put together with the Harry Potter series, it comes close, and that’s still high praise.

As you read though each book (which is easy to do, thanks to its excellent pacing), you can clearly visualize the settings the protagonists are exploring. I especially appreciated how Mull took care to describe the effects of each magic ability. Magic is literally the defining characteristic of the series, and so I appreciated the fact that different spells and abilities were given thorough descriptions.

I also loved the plot itself. Before I started reading, I was told that the first book, while very strong, was actually the weakest in the series, and it only got better from there. That turned out to be bang-on. The second and third books spiral outward, expanding on the ecosystem Mull created in book 1. The fourth and fifth books in the series then take that expanded worldview and bring it to an exhilarating conclusion.

I don’t want to get into the specifics because I don’t want to spoil anything, but suffice it to say that magic – its use by both the protagonists and other creatures – features heavily throughout the series, and it used very tastefully.

If you’ve played Dungeons & Dragons before, the best way I can describe the series for you would be to call it a very well-written D&D campaign.

Areas for Improvement

The one gripe I have with the series is that, as outstanding as Mull is at creating a vivid world with an unexpectedly-cohesive set of laws that govern it, I would have liked to have seen a little bit more personality put into some of the main characters. There were times when they fell a little flat, and while it didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the series, it could have been that much better with a little more focus on character development.

Also, Seth is the most annoying little brat in book one. Half the trouble he and Kendra got into could have been avoided by him not being such an insolent little turd… but I digress. Thankfully, Mull dialed this back to a more palatable level in books two through five.

My Final Rating

Despite the few small gripes I have with the Fablehaven series, it really is extremely well-written. I tore through the entire five-book series in about a week… and there are very few authors that can draw me in with that level of fervor.

Overall, I’d give this series a 9 out of 10, with a slightly lower rating for book 1 and higher ratings for the subsequent books. If you’re a fantasy lover and you haven’t read Fablehaven yet, do yourself a favour: pick up book one and dive in. You’ll be amazed at how quickly the next week flies by!


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