Hey guys, no post this week - I'm on vacation, likely on a dock with beer in hand. We're all allowed some time off now and then, right? :) I'll be back with a fresh post next week!

In an earlier post, I explained how index funds work – essentially, they buy all of the largest funds on a market index proportionally, so that the investment moves the same way as the index it tracks. Today, I’m going to explain how you can actually beat the market by buying index funds.

We all know someone who’s had a bad experience with their financial advisor, realtor, or mechanic. When you hear stories like that, it’s easy to become cynical and think of every representative in that industry as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The problem with painting everyone with the same brush is that it makes you blind to the good, honest, hard-working people that are at least as prevalent as the bad in every industry. Today, I want to share an example of someone like that.

This pandemic has shut everyone up in their homes for months now. Despite things slowly beginning to reopen, gyms are going to be one of the last places people are going to want to return to… and the fact that you can’t find fitness equipment anywhere – except obnoxious attempts at price-gouging like this idiot, for example – means more and more people are looking for workouts they can do at home with no equipment whatsoever. If you’re looking for a series of no-equipment fitness workouts you can easily do at home, here are a few videos to get you started.

I recently started joining my wife in practicing yoga more regularly. Almost immediately upon starting up, I noticed a number of interesting similarities between yoga and karate – similarities that make the two disciplines complimentary to one another. Here are five of the most significant ones.

Hey guys, There'll be no post this week - I'm giving myself a vacation after 200 posts! I'll be back to our regularly-scheduled programming next week, though :)

This week is a very special one for my blog – today’s post marks my 200th blog post. I’ve been writing on this site for over three years now, and I’ve enjoyed every step in the journey so far. Thinking about the lessons I’ve learned since I first started writing back in February of 2017, a few lessons really stood out to me.

With the weather getting nicer by the day, people are in full-on summer mode, even despite the social distancing rules we all still face. With that comes the usual summer rush of people looking to buy and sell their homes. If you’re in the group looking to buy, then the acronyms “GDS” and “TDS” should mean something to you. What!? They don’t? Then it’s time to change that. Read on!

This quarantine is a tough time for martial artists. Gyms and dojos are closed, and if you’re lucky enough to still have classes to attend, they’re virtual. Definitely better than nothing, but a poor substitute for the real thing. Ultimately though, COVID has reinforced a lesson that my sensei has been teaching since I first joined his dojo seven years ago: your karate training is up to you.

Like many of you, I was deeply saddened by the news of George Floyd’s murder on US Memorial Day. It wasn’t until I heard some of my black coworkers and friends speak up about what they were feeling, and why, however, that I began to understand just how differently people can experience the world based on the colour of their skin.