In my conversations with people, I have heard a wide variety of perspectives on credit cards over the years. Some thoughts were on-point, while others… well, they were the type of well-intentioned, but misguided advice that makes you slap your palm to your face. Here are five commonly-mentioned, and completely untrue, myths about credit cards. It’s time to get the facts straight.

I spent much of the past week lounging by the water at a cottage up north; a pretty Canadian thing to do over an extended long weekend. In preparation for the vacation, I was looking for an adventure book; something about traveling and getting off the beaten path. I found exactly that in Escape from the Ordinary; it’s a gem of a book that I wanted to share with you.

Five years isn't a long time to train in the world of martial arts. It's long enough, though, to see many others come and go, along with their excuses. Before dismissing a martial art for outside reasons, it's worth looking in to see if there's something else at play.

It’s a question I sometimes wonder about. The reality is that I don’t plan to train in martial arts at a dojo for my entire life. I don’t think that’s a secret to anyone around me. That doesn’t mean that I’ll stop studying karate though; there’s a big difference between the two. It’s just that, in a future that may include kids, more work responsibility, and shifting priorities, I often think about the role karate would play in that world.

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock these past few weeks, the Toronto Raptors made history last night by winning their first ever NBA championship in franchise history. The entire country has been electrified, with each day leading up to the next game in the series feeling like one long, collective intake of breath. It’s an incredible achievement in its own right, and we can all exhale a sigh of relief now that it’s over; that said, focusing purely on the basketball passes up on an opportunity to have a different kind of conversation.

When you think of meditation, you probably think of the stereotypical, stationary, sitting-down kind where you’ve got your eyes closed and try to empty your mind as best you can. But did you know you can meditate in other ways? Here's an overview of moving meditation.