People have varying opinions about the word “debt.” Some people view debt as a tool; others are wary of it; still others treat it like a two-flush corn log, refusing to touch it with a 10-foot pole. Despite these widely diverging viewpoints on the topic though, debt is a necessity for most of us, and it’s not nearly as well-understood as it should be. (more…)

Starting in 2019, there will be changes to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP). I have to admit I was a bit surprised when I heard about it (and only learned about it while I was researching something unrelated online). Also, the explanations of the changes given on the Government of Canada website were about as clear as mud, so I thought I’d try to simplify it for you. (more…)

This is a guest post by my close friend and fellow martial artist James Paradis. James is a Shodan (first-degree black belt) in Goju-Ryu Karate-do, and is also an accomplished student of Modern Arnis, which is a form of Filipino stick and knife fighting. Going forward, I will occasionally feature guest posts by people I know have something valuable to offer readers of this blog. (more…)

If you’re like the majority of Canadians, you have multiple types of debt on your books. Maybe you have a mortgage, a car loan, a line of credit and a credit card. With Canadians now owing almost $1.70 for every dollar they earn according to Stats Canada, it’s no wonder one in three Canadians reported feeling overwhelmed by their debt.

So where do you start if you want to try and get out from underneath all that crushing debt? (more…)

He was just another bum on the street. Homeless, drunk, crazy. At least, that’s how he would have appeared to outsiders. Sitting on a street corner spelling out ominous-looking words in coin, those who hurry by during their daily commute would think nothing of it. It was only when someone sat down to talk with the man, to understand what it was he was doing, that true understanding began to emerge. (more…)