Where have the Karate Posts Gone?

It’s been a while since I’ve written a post related to karate. The realization dawned on me the other day, and so I took some time to stop and reflect on why that might be – I didn’t have an immediate explanation.

As I thought about it more though, I realized that the answer was something way simpler than I thought it might be: karate is not the main focus in my life right now.

While this realization irked me at first, as I thought about it more, I became more and more comfortable with the idea. See, karate not being a priority doesn’t mean that I don’t value or care about my practice anymore. In fact, it’s just the opposite; karate has become such a part of my life that it’s become part of my normal weekly routine, removing itself somewhat from conscious thought.

In that sense, it’s no different from taking showers during the week… and in fact, the result of skipping too many of either leaves me feeling the same way: just a little dirty.

So while at first I was worried about what the absence of karate writing meant, after dwelling on it a little longer I realized there’s no cause for concern. It just turns out that my writing ebbs and flows with the areas of life that are receiving the most conscious focus from me at that time. Right now, that turns out to be the ability to find happiness in everyday human connections. Going forward, as I prepare for my upcoming trip to Italy, we’ll likely see the focus shift a bit, to more of a travel angle.

Wrapping it Up

I probably should have realized this pattern sooner, but it excites me nevertheless. Remember how I said that I write on this site for myself first and foremost? Realizations like this are exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to achieve, even if I didn’t know exactly what I was after.

I’m going to do a bit more reflecting on the journey this blog has set me on in my next post. It’s a big one for me: my 100th blog post. I can’t wait to share with you what I’ve learned on my journey so far 🙂

CATEGORY: General, Karate

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