As 2022 comes to an end, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the posts I created this past year, and highlight the five I'm most proud of. This list isn't a list of the posts that got the most views; it's a list of the posts I felt the best about out of all of the ones I created in 2022.

It can be gut-wrenching to be an investor in the time frame before and during a recession. The markets can seem to go completely haywire, leading many to swear off of investing completely, at least for a while. But don’t be so quick to hit the eject button and pull the ripcord on your parachute! If you do, you could be doing yourself a massive disservice. Here’s why.

Once upon a time, Financial Advisors played a very specific role for their clients. Their job was to understand your financial situation, explore investment options, and then make a recommendation back to you as to how best to invest your money to meet your goals. That role is changing, though. Let’s take a look at the forces at play, shall we?

Last post, I wrote about five career quotes I thought were overrated, and why I felt that way about them. To balance it out, this week I’m writing about five underrated career quotes, and why I’m such a big fan of these ones. All of the quotes I’ve chosen today made the cut because they’re either uncommon or underused. So let’s jump in!

I’m a big fan of motivational quotes. Sometimes they’re exactly what you need to move through a difficult moment in your life, or get past an obstacle that’s been in your way. Some of the most popular quotes I’ve seen as it relates to careers and life success can be outright dangerous, when followed in absolute terms. I know people who have done more harm than good to their lives by following a motivational quote a little too closely. Here are five of the ones I think are most overrated.

Finding a mentor at work can be tough. It can be hard to know who you’ll mesh well with, and even harder to work up the courage to ask them to be your mentor. So where do even begin? Read on to find out!

I was looking at some research from the Co-Operators recently that highlighted something that has always been rampant among Canadian culture: we place a lot of pressure on ourselves to appear financially savvy. And I have a feeling that’s not just a Canadian thing, either. Everyone knows that personal finance is important, but we do such a bad job as a society of making access to knowledge on the topic available that it feels like our only choice is to pretend like we know what we’re talking about.

Today is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation here in Canada. It’s important that we all take the opportunity to research and learn more about all the work we have left to do in order to undo the generations of damage caused by the residential school system. As someone who writes about personal finance, one lens I’ve not explored yet is how to close the gap in financial literacy between indigenous and non-indigenous communities.

Dollar-cost averaging is a term that was made popular by David Chilton in his most famous book, The Wealthy Barber (which by the way, I recommend to anyone who asks me what they should read for their first personal finance book). It can be tricky to grasp at first, but the benefits are clear once you wrap your head around it. So what is dollar-cost averaging, and why should you do it?

I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with GICs. They have plenty of drawbacks that limit their use cases, but at the same time I can see the role that they can play in someone’s personal financial plan. So what do you need to know about GICs and when to use them?