The Benefits of Working for an Evil Supervillain

Working for an evil supervillain would be pretty sweet. There are about a million reasons why I think everyone should consider it, but I just wanted to highlight a few of the most obvious.

Impactful Projects

There’s nothing worse than doing work that serves no real purpose. We all want to feel like we’re making an impact, and what better way to do that than by working for an evil mastermind?

Think of some of the most famous supervillains and the projects they’ve managed. You’ve got Supreme Leader Snoke, who was all about creating this massive death ray that could vaporize entire planets. There’s Magneto, who worked with a team to create a mechanism that could end all humans. And what about Loki, whose main project was to take over rule of planet Earth?

Now doesn’t that sound more interesting than filing paperwork? Think of the resume you’d build!

Great Pay

Glassdoor doesn’t have a formal “supervillain” employment category per se, but I think we can make some assumptions based on the quality of clothing that supervillain henchmen wear. You see those custom-tailored suits they get to sport around everywhere? There’s usually some gold adorning them too… I mean you know you’ve got cheese when you can afford to put real gold on your outfit.

Spouse can be a stay-at-home parent

I mean think of the benefits! You can have mom or dad stay at home and take care of the kids full-time, while the other parents brings home the bacon. More quality time with the kids. A cleaner house. Home-cooked meals. Need I go on?

Head Office Locale

It’s not unusual for employers to boast about their office location as a major selling point to employees. Companies talk all the time about the views from their tower, or the great amenities nearby.

But how about if you worked in a secret base on the side of a mountain? Or on another planet? Or on a remote, deserted island? Nobody can brag about office location more than a supervillain.

Corporate Culture

It’s no secret that a supportive corporate culture is key to getting things done in an organization. But when you work for an evil mastermind, it kicks it up to the next level. Nowhere is the commitment to the task at hand more prevalent than when working for big bad.

Take Supreme Leader Snoke’s world. Employees are so passionate about the mission, that they’re willing to follow any order, even if it means laying down their own lives! It’s great to see that this passion extends up the hierarchy, too. In the top ranks, the leadership can get so passionate that they fight over who gets to execute the meatiest parts of the project. Now that’s a culture I can get behind; it takes vision to unify employees like that!

Now let’s not forget about a cornerstone of any strong organization: promoting from within. Opportunities for advancement abound when you work for a supervillain. Though promotions are frequently based on seniority, the good news is that they happen often, because leaders who fail are usually… removed from the organization… rather quickly. So if you’re looking to move up, just be patient!

State-of-the-Art Technology

If you’ve worked in Silicon Valley, then this will probably be a real selling point for you. Who doesn’t want to work for an organization with state-of-the-art technology? We all know that we rely on technology to carry out our daily responsibilities, and having access to the very best just makes that easier.

I mean I don’t know what I’d use a planet-destroying death ray, or a lightning-shooting gauntlet, or a laser-blasting shark for in my current role, but you know, I’m sure there are some applications there.

Besides, I’ve always wanted to use those computer screens that float in the air. Or pilot a ship with 10,000 cannons on it and a force field to match. When senior leadership equips you with tools like that, you know they care.

The Only Con

And I mean I’m really nitpicking here, but there is a small chance you disappoint your leader and are killed instantly yourself. But like, you can’t live your life by focusing on the negatives, right?

Wrapping it Up

In case you didn’t catch it, I’m having some fun with this post… so before you go blowing up the comments section… Relax. Breathe. Smile. Maybe event chuckle a little. We all take ourselves too seriously too often, me maybe more than anyone. We needed this 🙂


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