5 Ways to Thrive in a Hybrid Work Environment

For many of us who work desk jobs, the world of work is about to change. Many who have been working from home full-time will be transitioning to a new hybrid work environment, where we work some days in the office, and others at home. If that describes you, then here are a few tips to help you navigate the new way of working.

Replicate your office setup at home.

Working from your kitchen table was fine back when it was a temporary thing. Take it from a guy with chronic neck and back pain though: if you’re spending more than a day each week working from home on a long-term basis, you’re going to want an ergonomic setup that isn’t going to wreck your body over time.

Start with getting a good chair. I love love love my Ergohuman high-back chair for its headrest and fantastic lumbar support. Then follow it up with a sit-stand desk, so you can working in different positions throughout the day. This simple option from Amazon comes with free shipping, and gets the job done nicely.

Communicate with your team about your whereabouts.

In a hybrid work environment, it can be tough to keep track of who’s in the office and who isn’t on a given day. Be sure to keep your leader and close colleagues updated on when you’ll be in the office and when you won’t, so that your peers can plan meetings accordingly.

Better still, be the person on your team who creates a shared calendar so that all of your teammates can log when they’ll be in and when they won’t in one place.

Think about your routine on office days versus home.

Chances are your routine is going to look very different on days where you need to go into the office, compared to days you’re working from home. For example, I typically go for a run during morning where the weather is nice and I’m working from home. I also wake up a little later. When I need to go to the office though, I’ll wake up much earlier, cut the run, and even set a second alarm.

Whatever your routine today, think about how it’s going to need to change when you transition to hybrid work, and what that means for you. Your nighttime routine might change as well!

Set boundaries, and enforce them.

We’ve heard all the stats about how people have been working longer hours during the pandemic than before. Don’t be that person, unless you enjoy it – then go nuts 🙂 otherwise, be clear with your manager and team that sign-off is at the same time each day, regardless of where that sign-off takes place.

Setting proper boundaries is what allows you to continue to have a life, and to recharge your batteries so that you’re able to bring your best self to work each and every day.

Get clear on hybrid meeting etiquette.

Hybrid meetings – those where some people are live and others are virtual – are the way of the future… but they’re not without their challenges. Have you ever been that one person who dialled into an otherwise in-person meeting? It’s not usually a great experience.

So think about how it’ll be when half the room is live, and the other half is remote. If you’re remote, be sure to keep your video on, so that people can see your face and read your body language. If you’re live, be sure to announce who’s in the room when the meeting starts, and make sure to pause during the conversation so that those on the phones can actively participate.

Wrapping it Up

For many companies, hybrid work is the way of the future. There will be some growing pains along the way, but you can do your part to minimize them if you think about some of the tips in this post in advance of the transition!


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