Why the Sea Calls to Me

I don’t know exactly what it is, but there’s something about open water that speaks to me lately. It never used to be the case; I wasn’t a fan when I was younger. In fact, even though I’m a decent swimmer, drowning is one of my biggest fears. Still, I can’t escape or deny the feeling of serenity that water evokes in me these days.

Everyone needs their quiet place.

My office sits on the north shore of lake Ontario, right near a ferry terminal. Beside the terminal is a boardwalk and tree-filled park. It’s a place frequented by tourists and businesspeople alike, and there’s no doubt as to why. It’s a little slice of heaven.

A series of benches and picnic tables line the boardwalk, one of which rests under a large tree. It’s one of my favourite places to take a breather from the day. Sitting there in the shade looking out on the water and watching the boats go by, you can’t help but forget all about the stresses of the day.

There’s a certain meditation to wave-watching.

I’ve been lucky enough to visit both the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Mediterranean and Ionian seas. Every time, it evokes the exact same feelings in me. No matter how much my mind might be racing at the time, once I fix my gaze on the water, it all melts away. The only thought in that moment is how relaxing the water is.

I don’t know why, but the ocean and the sea always evoke a sense of longing in me. Longing for what, I can’t say. It’s like it lives just on the edge of my mind, in a place my conscious mind can’t quite reach. It also evokes a sense of majesty. The lapping of the waves is calm and steady, and yet it’s also a constant reminder of the raw power of the sea. That something can be so peaceful and so powerful at the same time reminds me of a life lesson that karate also teaches us: there is power in softness.

Wrapping it Up

Just a light post for today. I wanted to document the way water makes me feel these days, because to me it marks a subtle shift in my personality and my values; a move toward living a gentler, softer life maybe, or an improved ability to let things roll off my shoulders, washed away by the recognition that they’re nothing but ripples in the vast sea of life.

How about you? What does water do for you? Is it relaxing? Does it cause unease? Tell me a story about a time when water made you feel something in the comments.

CATEGORY: General, Travel

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