Meditation offers a number of benefits that we need now more than ever: it can help us become more mindful and aware in the moment; it helps reduce stress and anxiety; it improves blood flow to the brain and makes it age more slowly; it can help improve your relationships with the people around you; and it can even help you sleep more soundly. For me, I know that I feel calmer after even a few minutes of meditation, and my brain no longer tries to run a mile a minute while I’m sitting still. That by itself makes the process worth it for me. If you’re interested in trying out meditation, here are a few tips to help you get started.

If you’ve never read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, you’re missing out. The book is a classic, and for good reason – it provides a ton of sage self-improvement advice in a relatively quick read. One piece of advice in particular is worth calling out right now, and that’s the importance of sharpening your saw.

When you think of meditation, you probably think of the stereotypical, stationary, sitting-down kind where you’ve got your eyes closed and try to empty your mind as best you can. But did you know you can meditate in other ways? Here's an overview of moving meditation.

I’m fairly new to meditation; I originally started it as a way to try to become more mindful and aware in the moment. That said, people choose meditation for a whole bunch of different reasons; it helps reduce stress and anxiety; improves blood flow to the brain and makes it age more slowly; it can help improve your relationships with the people around you; and it can even help you sleep more soundly.