As someone who has had both fantastic and terrible jobs in my career so far, I’ve learned to tell the difference between a healthy job and an unhealthy one. The unfortunate reality is that, if you work for a company, the chances are pretty good that you’ll one day find yourself in a stress-inducing position that’s bad for your health. Here are nine signs that can help you figure out whether that’s the case. (more…)

There’s a rare slice of people out there that are doing exactly what they were born to do, and making money doing it. For those people, they’re working because that’s what they want to do. If they won a million bucks, they’d continue to do what they do.

If you’re like most people though, you work for some other reason. It’s a means to an end, not the end in and of itself. If you won a million bucks, you’d be gone. You’d quit your job to do… what, exactly? We’ve all got goals and dreams; what’s yours? (more…)