Pixar’s latest animated movie, Soul, has been out for barely more than a week now, and I’ve already seen it twice. It’s exactly the kind of movie we need right now, and possibly the most enjoyable allegory I’ve ever seen. Here’s why I think it’s exactly the movie we need as we kick off 2021.

2020 has been rough year, to grossly underplay things. Despite that though, I was able to achieve many of the goals I had set for myself at the start of the year. I don’t know what 2021 is going to look like just yet, but I do know that it’s going to take more than a pandemic to keep me from setting goals and working toward them. So what’s on the list for 2021?

2020 was a dumpster fire of a year. This pandemic has made it really easy for us to be bitter, callous versions of ourselves. Instead though, I’d like to take a moment to find five things from this year that I’m grateful for. I invite you to come on this journey with me – grab your pen and paper, and get writing!

Landscape photography is super-approachable for beginners; after all, your subject isn’t moving anywhere! It’ll stay right where it is until you get the perfect shot. That said, there are some basic things you can do to help your landscape shots be all that they can be. Here are 5 tips to get you started.

Dungeons & Dragons. You’ve probably heard the term before, somewhere. It’s the name given to the world’s oldest, and most popular, fantasy role-playing game. If you can believe it, the game has been around since 1974 (yeah, it’s almost 50 years old now). There’s a reason it’s survived this long – the game is a ton of fun. So what is it, and why should you try it out?

I recently went through the process of searching for a good fantasy book series to read, in order to refresh my own writing and take my creative thinking in a different direction. I was browsing the shelves at Indigo looking for a series that would catch my eye, when I stumbled upon Spellslinger. “Perfect,” I thought, “a series that’s all about magic and the adventures that come with it.” Turns out I was in for much more than that.

My wife and I just moved into a new home. In preparation for the move, we took a close look at all of the bulky items we owned, and asked ourselves whether we still wanted/needed each item or not. After all, the less we take with us, the less costly the move, and the less cluttered our new home would be. Turns out, people are willing to pay pretty good money on Kijiji for a wide array of stuff! So what could your items be worth? I’ve crunched some numbers: let’s take a look.

Over the years, I’ve racked up quite a number of inspiring quotes from a ton of different times and places. Today, I thought it’d be fun to start a new series that documents these quotes, and why I like them so much. Here are 5 of my all-time favourites!

If you’ve trained karate with any sensei worth their salt, you’ve probably had countless little adjustments made to your techniques; widen your stance, lift your arm, rotate your wrist, and so on. The other day, our Sensei asked us the following question: How can studying fighting helpful contribute to creating a more peaceful world? There are a bazillion possible ways to answer that question, but the first one that came to mind to me was that it’s in the little adjustments.

Whether you use it for work, social or family reasons, Zoom and similar tools have exploded in popularity as a result of the pandemic. And why not? Video conferencing tools allow us to keep in touch with people that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to have any facetime with during this pandemic. But too much of a good thing can lead to Zoom fatigue. So what is it exactly, and how do you fight it?