Seven Goals for an Interesting 2021

2020 has been rough year, to grossly underplay things. Despite that though, I was able to achieve many of the goals I had set for myself at the start of the year. I don’t know what 2021 is going to look like just yet, but I do know that it’s going to take more than a pandemic to keep me from setting goals and working toward them. So what’s on the list for 2021?

Goal #1: Continue building my retirement nest egg.

Having been able to work from home for the majority of this year, I’ve been in the fortunate position to be able to save a significant amount of money for retirement. I plan on continuing that in 2021, with an aggressive goal of saving half my pre-tax income. Sure I might not get there, but then again, even getting close is a huge win in my books!

Goal #2: Shake things up a bit at work.

2021 is a year where I’ll be looking to mix it up at work. I’m not sure what exactly that will look like just yet, but I know that it will involve change. Maybe it’ll be a promotion, or a move to a different team, or even just exposure to a new line of business or high-profile project. One way or another though, I will be driving change in my career in 2021.

Goal #3: Spread more positive vibes.

While I’ve always tried to do this, I’ll admit that this is an area where I still have lots of opportunity. I’m going to be consciously looking for ways to bring good vibes into the world. That could look like lifting other people up, biting my tongue when negative thoughts pop up, touching base with old friends to let them know I’m thinking about them, or any number of other things. Ideally, it’ll be all of the above!

Goal #4: Beat this pandemic.

This is the huge wild card in this list. COVID got in the way of some of my goals in 2020, and it has dramatically altered what I add to the list for 2021. For example, in a normal year, travel would be at the very top of my list. Given the uncertainty in the year ahead though, I’ve decided to put that off for one more year. We all have a part to play in beating this pandemic, and I want to make sure I do mine.

Goal #5: Continue writing each and every week.

This coming February will mark four years of this blog existing; it’s hard to believe that I’ve already written over 200 posts for the site. I plan to continue writing each and every week in 2021, and maybe looking for some opportunities to expand the reach of my posts by partnering with other sites and writers.

Goal #6: Play more golf.

I love golfing. It’s relaxing, meditative, and gets you out into nature with good company. I didn’t get to play as much as I would have liked this year unfortunately, and so next year I’m consciously adding it to my list of things to plan for. After all, not all of your goals have to be productive – some are allowed to be purely just for fun! 🙂

Goal #7: Get physically healthy.

Of course, in order for me to golf a lot, I need to be in the physical shape to do so. I’ve been dealing with back and neck pain for years now, and so at the top of my to-do list for 2021 is to get rid of the chronic pain that I struggle with daily.

It’s amazing the quality of lift different it makes… back pain affects your ability to do things you love, like golfing, and also your ability to do things you need, like sleeping. By dealing with the problem, you trigger a series of related and positive changes that come along with that fix. This one is a must-do for me.

Wrapping it Up

I’m ready to say goodbye to 2020, no doubt. While I can’t say for sure what 2021 will bring, I know I can set and work toward some goals no matter what. That sense of direction is important to me, because it helps keep my head in the game at a time when many of us are struggling with mental illness and depression. Feeling like I have a list to check off keeps my mind focused on the things I can control, instead of dwelling on the things I can’t.

So how about you, what’s on your list of goals for 2021? Tell the world in the comments section!

CATEGORY: General, Uncategorized

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