I have family in Italy, and my wife and I are planning a trip to visit them later this year. It’ll be the first time in 20 years I’ve seen them, and it’s going to be an unreal time.

For some reason though, when we visit family abroad, it’s way easier to forget some of the common etiquette rules of staying as a house guest. If you’re staying for more than a couple days and don’t want to be that family member, make sure you consider these etiquette guidelines for your trip! (more…)

Fire is an interesting element. I’ve been fascinated by it ever since I was a young boy (there are pictures to prove it), and I continue to be fascinated by it today. It has the ability to provide warmth and light, to fuel any number of machines and actions… and it can destroy, if used in the wrong way.

When I talk about fire here and now, I’m talking about the fire within you and I. You know what I’m talking about – the flame that burns deep in the pit of your stomach, that either tells you that you’re doing what you were born to do, or that you’re getting further and further off-track.

The question is, which fire are you feeding? (more…)