What is Excellence?

If you asked 10 different people to define excellence, you’d probably get 10 different answers. Here are a few of my takes based on my own personal experience and observations.

Excellence is not some big, grand gesture.
Excellence is not reserved for the people at the very top of the game.
Excellence is not owed nor given to anyone.
Excellence is not a sports term, even though it can be found there.
Excellence is not the same as perfection.
Excellence is not beating level 1,000 on Candy Crush.
Excellence is not something money can buy.
Excellence is not just for the talented.
Excellence is not about comparing yourself to other people.
Excellence is not a zero-sum game.

You wanna know what excellence is?

Excellence is practice and repetition.
Excellence is failing 1,000 times just to succeed once.
Excellence is fighting through obstacle after obstacle when everyone else around you is giving up.
Excellence is picking yourself up and dusting yourself off, then forging ahead.
Excellence is approaching the mundane and the trivial as if seeing them for the first time.
Excellence is sticking to your values even when it’s tough.
Excellence is taking responsibility for your actions.
Excellence is about striving to be your own personal best.
Excellence is showing you care every step of the way.
Excellence is about setting standards, not meeting them.
Excellence is what you do every. damn. day. The choices you make when nobody but yourself is watching.

Don’t you dare tell me excellence is beyond or above you. Excellence is a choice. Make it.


By the way, why do you think I chose a picture of a carpenter as the header photo for this post?

CATEGORY: Careers, General

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