Curb appeal is an interesting thing. On the one hand, you can’t see or appreciate it when you’re living inside your house. On the other hand though, you’ll see it every time you come home from somewhere else. Plus, homes with strong curb appeal sell faster and at higher prices than ones with a less-appealing exterior. So what are the factors that contribute to it, and how can you increase your home’s curb appeal?

Walking in my local neighbourhood the other day, I saw kids playing ball hockey in the street. It made me reflect on how common that was when I was younger, versus how relatively rare it’s become these days. I never played ball hockey, but I did spend lots of time outdoors growing up gardening with my mom and my nonna, and I’m really glad I did. Here are 5 benefits I think getting your kids involved in gardening can offer.

This pandemic has shut everyone up in their homes for months now. Despite things slowly beginning to reopen, gyms are going to be one of the last places people are going to want to return to… and the fact that you can’t find fitness equipment anywhere – except obnoxious attempts at price-gouging like this idiot, for example – means more and more people are looking for workouts they can do at home with no equipment whatsoever. If you’re looking for a series of no-equipment fitness workouts you can easily do at home, here are a few videos to get you started.

This week is a very special one for my blog – today’s post marks my 200th blog post. I’ve been writing on this site for over three years now, and I’ve enjoyed every step in the journey so far. Thinking about the lessons I’ve learned since I first started writing back in February of 2017, a few lessons really stood out to me.

Like many of you, I was deeply saddened by the news of George Floyd’s murder on US Memorial Day. It wasn’t until I heard some of my black coworkers and friends speak up about what they were feeling, and why, however, that I began to understand just how differently people can experience the world based on the colour of their skin.

If you’ve never read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, you’re missing out. The book is a classic, and for good reason – it provides a ton of sage self-improvement advice in a relatively quick read. One piece of advice in particular is worth calling out right now, and that’s the importance of sharpening your saw.

Earlier this week, Toronto Mayor John Tory announced a new program, titled “ShopHERE,” that aims to help local small businesses develop virtual storefronts during the COVID quarantine. It’s a great step to help support the local ma and pa shops that make up a crucial part of our economy. The thing is, it shouldn’t have taken a pandemic to make us want to support small businesses.

The COVID quarantine we’ve all been dealing with has gone on much longer than we originally thought it would, and it’s been hard on a lot of people. We’ve also undergone some amazing transformations during this time though, and in some ways we’ll be better off than before coming out of all of this. Here are five silver linings coming out of the COVID quarantine period.

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting really tired of all the doom-and-gloom news about the coronavirus these days. Staying inside is super-important for the sake of protecting others, but that doesn’t mean you have to subject yourself to nothing but negative news day-in, day-out. That’s some kinda masochism there. Here are five places you can turn to for some good ol’ positive news.