Five Sources of Positive News During COVID

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting really tired of all the doom-and-gloom news about the coronavirus these days. Staying inside is super-important for the sake of protecting others, but that doesn’t mean you have to subject yourself to nothing but negative news day-in, day-out. That’s some kinda masochism there. Here are five places you can turn to for some good ol’ positive news.

1,000 Awesome Things

The author, Neil Pasricha, started this blog in 2008 as a coping mechanism, and it has since grown into one of the most prominent sources for positive news on the internet. Since this pandemic began, he started a new list of 1,000 awesome things that give us something to appreciate each and every day.


Positive news is the magazine and website that has coined the term “constructive journalism” – that is, writing that doesn’t constantly paint the world like a post-apocalyptic tire fire. It focuses on stories about people that are doing good in the world – stories of progress, positivity and possibility. New articles are published daily online, and there’s no shortage of uplifting content to read about.

Good News Network

Good News Network was founded by Geri Weis-Corbley in 1997, and is one of the longest-standing positive-news websites out there. Articles on the site range from silly to awe-inspiring, but all of them are designed to put a smile on your face and some optimism into your day. Multiple new pieces are published daily, and coverage comes from many subjects and many parts of the world.

MSN Good News

Who knew? When I think of MSN, I think of the 1990s and my childhood… and while the memories are fond, they aren’t exactly current. A quick visit to this corner of the site turns up plenty of feel-good stories and images though, most of which have to do with acts of kindness and compassion people have shown throughout our collective fight with COVID-19.

Actor John Krasinski’s “Some Good News” Series

John Krasinski once again proves to be a likeable guy. He created this YouTube series as an antidote to the depressing news that continuously gets reported on TV’s main news networks, and it’s pretty fantastic. It’s in its infancy right now, and who knows how long it will last… but one thing’s for sure: it’s a dose of positivity that we all need right now.

Wrapping it Up

Don’t be fooled by the doom and gloom the mainstream news is reporting. As bad as they may make everything seem, there’s also a ton of good going on in the world right now. This virus may have brought out the worst in some, but it’s brought out the best in most others… and that’s the side I’d rather be focusing on. How about you?


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