A while back, in preparation for my black belt grading in karate, I wrote a post about what a black belt means to me. Since then, certain facets of what it means to be a black belt have taken on added importance to me. The most prominent among those is compassion.

Ever since I moved out on my own, I’ve worked hard to remember the good things that happened each year. As time goes by, I know I won’t be able to remember everything that happened during the years (hell, I can barely remember what happened yesterday), but having a few standout moments from the year lets me put a mental highlight reel together for myself. Here are some of the things I’ll remember from 2018.

One of my 2018 New Years’ resolutions was to write in a daily happiness journal. Unlike most resolutions I set at the start of the new year, I actually stuck with this one for all of 2018! I learned a few things along the way, and I learned even more once I went back in and actually read everything I wrote down over the course of the year. Here are some of the top things I took away from the daily habit.

If you have Netflix and even a slight love of food, you owe it to yourself to check out the Netflix original mini-series Samurai Gourmet. The show follows a newly-retired 60-year-old man as he explores the various bars and restaurants around him with new eyes.

At first blush, the show looks like it’s about food. I mean, it’s called Samurai Gourmet, after all. When you get beneath the surface a bit though, you realize that there’s way more going on here than you first realize. Here are three lessons from the show that go beyond food. (more…)

I don’t know exactly what it is, but there’s something about open water that speaks to me lately. It never used to be the case; I wasn’t a fan when I was younger. In fact, even though I’m a decent swimmer, drowning is one of my biggest fears. Still, I can’t escape or deny the feeling of serenity that water evokes in me these days. (more…)

There once was a samurai who was renowned for his swordsmanship. He had fought countless battles and defeated hundreds of opponents on the battlefield. So when he heard that the emperor was holding an exhibition whereby a few selected warriors would be invited to demonstrate their skill, he began looking forward to the invitation. When it finally came, he read it with eager anticipation. (more…)

This is a guest post by my close friend and fellow martial artist James Paradis. James is a Shodan (first-degree black belt) in Goju-Ryu Karate-do, and is also an accomplished student of Modern Arnis, which is a form of Filipino stick and knife fighting. Going forward, I will occasionally feature guest posts by people I know have something valuable to offer readers of this blog. (more…)