Looking Back on 2021 and Ahead to 2022

2021 was a tough year for many, myself and my family included. It was a year of lockdowns, health scares, and cancelled plans, for the most part. But there were some bright spots to be found, for sure, and there’s reason to hope for an even brighter 2022. At the end of each year, I always like to take some time to look back on some of the year’s highlights, while planning a new goal or two for the New Year.

2021 Win: Crossed the $1 million mark in retirement savings.

This was a milestone achievement for my wife and I. Late in 2021, we crossed the $1 million mark in retirement savings, which represented a huge psychological threshold for us. We’re shooting for $3 million in the bank before we hang up the gloves on our careers for good, so we still have a way to go; still seeing seven figures in the retirement column of our savings blew a huge gust of wind across our sails, and we’re finishing the year feeling incredibly optimistic about where we’re headed financially.

2021 Win: Got an employee promoted at work.

I had this as a goal in 2020, and while it took an extra year, I’m so proud to say that I can check this one off my list in 2021. Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but it’s a big win for me because I’ve proven to myself that I have what it takes to coach, support and advocate for a team to the point that they’re chosen to move up within the company.

I’ve always believed that one of the hallmarks of any great leader is their ability to elevate others around them, and create other leaders within the organization. I’ve tried to hold myself to that standard, and while I have much more learning to do, getting someone promoted this year was a big win that I need to stop and celebrate for a moment.

2021 Win: Continued to write weekly on this site.

Believe it or not, this site is coming up on five years old in February 2022. I’ve written here mostly for myself, but I’ve noticed over time that there are things that I want to share with others, particularly around the topic of personal finance. 2021 marked a turning point for the site, where I pivoted it to focus more specifically on financial wellbeing – specifically in the space of personal finance and careers.

The ultimate purpose of the site – the pursuit of happiness in life – didn’t change. But the topics I focused on as part of that pursuit did. I learned more about where my passions are when it comes to writing, and I’m going to focus on those moving forward. Can’t wait to cross that 5-year mark!

2021 Win: Got through the damn year.

Lastly, 2021 was so challenging that I feel like just getting through the year with some semblance of sanity intact was an achievement in its own right. And you know what? If that’s the one thing you can say for yourself as you look back on the year, I’d say you’re doing pretty damn well yourself.

In a year that was filled with lockdowns, negative press across just about every category imaginable, and divisive rhetoric, getting through it in one piece truly is an achievement worth celebrating.

And if you’re struggling?

Well hey, I’m right there with you, along with many, many others. You’re not alone. Just remember: it’s ok not to be ok right now. It’s ok to say “not great” when someone asks how you’re doing. These are tough times for everyone.

And if you are doing well? Ask someone who might not be. And look for an authentic answer, not just the “I’m fine” that might first come out.

So with 2021 in the rearview, I’ve also got some plans for 2022. Here’s what I’m shooting for!

2022 Goal: Surpass $1.2 million in retirement savings.

Going into 2022, our goal is to grow our nest egg by another 20%. While it’s a big, hairy goal for sure, it’s not as unattainable as it may sounds. With the power of aggressive savings and compound interest working together, this one might just be in the cards for us. It’s going to take a laser-focus on our monthly budget, and means no extravagant purchases… but what else is new? We’re no stranger to that, and have been perfectly happy with our modest lifestyle so far. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right?

2022 Goal: Get rid of my chronic back pain.

This is my #1 goal for 2022. Ever since my karate injury/car accident many years ago, I’ve struggled with chronic back pain that started with a herniated disc in my neck. It’s with me every single day, and I don’t remember what it’s like to go through a day without it.

I want that back. I’m young, and I feel like I can still beat this thing. I don’t want to live out the rest of my days in pain, and so I’m committed to doing physio exercises every single day in 2022 to try and beat this pain. Even if it doesn’t go away fully in the year, if I can reduce it meaningfully, I’ll take that.

2022 Goal: Physical fitness every week.

In a related vein to the above, I noticed the scale moving a little further away from my baseline weight toward the end of this year, and I’m not a fan. I tried one of my old dress shirts on recently and almost popped a button off, it fit so tight. Not cool!! So I’m aiming to get back to a regular weekly schedule of cardio, yoga and strengthening exercises in 2022.

2022 Goal: More mindful time with family.

With all the health scares in my family in 2021, it was a powerful reminder that you never know how much time you have left with your family. One of my focuses in 2022 is to spend more mindful time with my family. That’s time where the TV is off, and we’re talking, playing games together, or going out and having shared experiences. I did ok on this in 2021, but I want to do better in 2022.

Wrapping it Up

It’s ok not to have goals for the New Year, but I find that listing a few things out focuses me and helps me remember what’s most important as the year goes by. For me, if I don’t do that, I find that it’s all too easy for the year to just pass by on fast-forward… and before I know it, I’m writing this post again in 2022, not knowing what happened over the past year.

How about you, do you have goals for the New Year? Put them out into the universe by posting in the comments!


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