Millennials are an interesting generation. We face many of the same life hurdles and struggles as generations before us, but also some interesting other ones. Challenges like the skyrocketing cost of education and housing and the increasing uncertainty of the labour market have led to many millennials redefining what luxury looks like to them. (more…)
Hi, and welcome to my site! It’s a blog about personal finance and careers, told through the lens of my search for happiness and mindfulness in life. Why those things? Well, because most people view them as a necessarily evil to use in their pursuit of happiness in life… and I think they can be more than that!
If you recall my last post about Phoebe, our Havanese, you remember the lessons in humility she taught us as she dragged her own poop across the floor. At the time I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to raise her up into a balanced dog – first we thought we were nailing it, then we thought we might NEVER nail it – but as she comes out of her “teenage years” I’m starting to think we did ok after all.
It’s been a wild ride so far, with more ups and downs than a roller coaster… but it’s been worth it. Here are four of the biggest lessons my wife and I have learned from raising a puppy. (more…)
It’s been a full year since I started this blog, and I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by. The realization dawned on me out of the blue one day, and led to me sitting down with a drink to do a bit of reflecting. I started this blog as a way of organizing and cataloguing my thoughts around life and the pursuit of happiness. So after 365 days and 80 posts, what have I learned? (more…)
It’s been a while since I wrote a life lessons series post, but I’ve been waiting for the right one. The one I’m going to share today is especially meaningful to me, because it’s the quote I chose to sign off with on my sensei’s dojo wall when I was given my black belt. (more…)
These days, we take many activities for granted. We complete tasks absent-mindedly, relegating what could be a really enjoyable thing to the realm of “chore” – a dirty word for many, to be sure.
One of those activities is shaving. All too often, shaving time gets lumped into the same category as sweeping the floor or doing laundry. I already wrote about how shining your shoes can be a relaxing and meditative experience, and shaving is no different… if you do it right. (more…)
So like I mentioned in my last post, one of my New Year’s Resolutions this year is to write down one thing that made me happy each and every day this year. To symbolize my commitment to that goal, I was shopping around for a nice leather journal to write my happy thoughts in. (more…)
Like every year, you can choose to remember 2017 however you like: the good, the bad or the ugly. For me, I like to take a moment this time of year to remember all of the good things that happened in my life over the past year, and use that to set up next year to be another great one. (more…)