This is the second post in a series in which I pick some really cool photos and break down the technical elements about them that I like best. They’re designed to help you (and I) improve your photography. You can check out the first post here.

In my first post in this photo review series, I took a look at an HDR photo of a beautiful boat. (If you don’t know what HDR is, you can read more about that in another post I wrote.) In today’s post, I’m changing it up. This time, we’re going macro, getting up close and personal with a drop of water. (more…)

This post is the third entry in my Karate Life Lessons Series, a collection of posts that examines how lessons learned training in the martial arts translate into other areas of life as well. You can read the first entry here. (more…)

As we start to dive deeper into Spring and my mind shifts to thoughts of warmer weather, I’m already thinking about my next trip. I haven’t nailed down where I’m going just yet, but I have a few places on my list: Machu Picchu, Okinawa, Hawaii, St. Lucia… lots of good options out there. In any case though, I wanted to share my packing list for warm weather travel. (more…)

We’ve all seen great photography. You usually know it right away: you see a photo that makes you say “Holy crap, that’s good.” But can you explain WHY it’s good? Have you ever tried?

This post is the first in a series where I’ll try to do just that: choose great photos and outline in detail exactly what I believe drew me to the photo in the first place. (more…)