Hi, and welcome to my site! It’s a blog about personal finance and careers, told through the lens of my search for happiness and mindfulness in life. Why those things? Well, because most people view them as a necessarily evil to use in their pursuit of happiness in life… and I think they can be more than that!

Listening to my Sensei talk about how Seiunchin, a kata currently taught at blue belt, used to be a Nidan kata, it got me questioning whether there really are white belt and black belt katas at all.

Hey guys, it's fiscal year-end at work, which means I'm head-down trying to get through the week with my sanity intact. Let's do this again next Friday, shall we?

Last night I was lucky enough to win an award from my company. It still hasn’t sunk in, but what has is the fact that I have a ton to be thankful for. The way I've been treated at my place of work is proof that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

You may have heard of impostor syndrome, or maybe you haven’t; but considering that a whopping 70% of people will suffer from the phenomenon at some point in their lives, you’ve probably come across it before. So what is it, and how to do you deal with it?