2020 has been rough year, to grossly underplay things. Despite that though, I was able to achieve many of the goals I had set for myself at the start of the year. I don’t know what 2021 is going to look like just yet, but I do know that it’s going to take more than a pandemic to keep me from setting goals and working toward them. So what’s on the list for 2021?

Ever since I moved out on my own, I’ve worked hard to remember the good things that happened each year. As time goes by, I know I won’t be able to remember everything that happened during the years (hell, I can barely remember what happened yesterday), but having a few standout moments from the year lets me put a mental highlight reel together for myself. Here are some of the things I’ll remember from 2018.

Like every year, you can choose to remember 2017 however you like: the good, the bad or the ugly. For me, I like to take a moment this time of year to remember all of the good things that happened in my life over the past year, and use that to set up next year to be another great one. (more…)

I hear people complain all the time about how they don’t have this, or how they wish they had that. What I find interesting is that, when I ask them what they’re doing about it, they usually hum and haw and make up some sort of excuse about why “now’s not a good time for change.”

Well, news flash – there’s never a good time for change. We’re creatures of habit, we hate change by default. But if you want things to be different in your life, you need to do things differently. I saw a great comic the other day; in it, a leader stands on a stage asking an audience, “Who wants change?” Everybody raised their hand. Then, in a second image, the same leader asked the same audience, “Who wants to change?” Crickets. Everyone had their eyes to the floor. Two images, one striking message.

Change starts with you. And there’s three things you can do to bring it about. (more…)