Hey folks. I’m writing this post today partly because, in all honesty, it’s been a week, and I need this exercise to help wind it down. I’m also writing it for you though, in you’re having a rough go and need a reminder that we can find joy in the little things. Maybe you read this list and feel better, or maybe you’re inspired to write your own list – either way, it’s good stuff. So without further ado, here are 50 small wins that make me happy.

Ever since I moved out on my own, I’ve worked hard to remember the good things that happened each year. As time goes by, I know I won’t be able to remember everything that happened during the years (hell, I can barely remember what happened yesterday), but having a few standout moments from the year lets me put a mental highlight reel together for myself. Here are some of the things I’ll remember from 2018.

One of my 2018 New Years’ resolutions was to write in a daily happiness journal. Unlike most resolutions I set at the start of the new year, I actually stuck with this one for all of 2018! I learned a few things along the way, and I learned even more once I went back in and actually read everything I wrote down over the course of the year. Here are some of the top things I took away from the daily habit.

It’s been a full year since I started this blog, and I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by. The realization dawned on me out of the blue one day, and led to me sitting down with a drink to do a bit of reflecting. I started this blog as a way of organizing and cataloguing my thoughts around life and the pursuit of happiness. So after 365 days and 80 posts, what have I learned? (more…)