I don’t know exactly what it is, but there’s something about open water that speaks to me lately. It never used to be the case; I wasn’t a fan when I was younger. In fact, even though I’m a decent swimmer, drowning is one of my biggest fears. Still, I can’t escape or deny the feeling of serenity that water evokes in me these days. (more…)

There’s a rare slice of people out there that are doing exactly what they were born to do, and making money doing it. For those people, they’re working because that’s what they want to do. If they won a million bucks, they’d continue to do what they do.

If you’re like most people though, you work for some other reason. It’s a means to an end, not the end in and of itself. If you won a million bucks, you’d be gone. You’d quit your job to do… what, exactly? We’ve all got goals and dreams; what’s yours? (more…)

Last month, I wrote about five places that were on my travel hitlist. These are places I wanted to visit for their natural beauty, and to do a bit of the photography I love so much. I had a few folks reach out with some other suggestions though, so I thought I’d compile a list of five more places to add to your travel hitlist if you haven’t been. (more…)