Hi, and welcome to my site! It’s a blog about personal finance and careers, told through the lens of my search for happiness and mindfulness in life. Why those things? Well, because most people view them as a necessarily evil to use in their pursuit of happiness in life… and I think they can be more than that!

Career progression in North America is built upon the idea of moving up. You want to make more money? You move up the corporate ladder. Want more responsibility? Move up. And on it goes. So what does it mean if you simply don’t want to move up anymore? What if you never did in the first place? People won’t say it to your face, but some will definitely think you’re strange, or not motivated or ambitious. Today’s post is a reminder to you that that is a load of crap.

It’s the same old story time and time again in the dojo: a new student signs up wanting to learn karate. They never want to start with the basics, though; no, it’s all about the spinning flying reverse roundhouse kick. As anyone who has studied any martial art (or any art, for that matter) for a while will tell you though, the basics are the foundation upon which all other techniques are built. If your foundation is strong, everything else will be too. And guess what? It’s the same in business.

The financial markets are all over the map these days. One week they’re soaring upward because something dropped in the news about inflation numbers, and the next they’re crashing through the floor because, well, inflation numbers. Amid all of this, it can be tempting to try and time the market – that is, to buy when you think the market is low, and sell when you think it’s high. That’s super-risky. Here’s what you should do instead.

If you work in a Canadian workplace that offers a pension plan, then come tax time when you receive your tax slips, you probably see a number greater than zero beside a field called “pension adjustment.” So what is this field, and why does it matter?

A job interview is an opportunity for a hiring manager to get to know you as a prospective employee. Of course, it’s also an opportunity for you to vet the hiring manager and company. It’s cliché at this point, but the job interview is really a two-way street. If you don’t do your due diligence at this point, you may miss red flags that signal you’re getting yourself into a crappy situation. Here are a few watchouts to look for in your next job interview.

Gen Z has had it rough when it comes to the dream of homeownership. Between the run-up in prices over the past few years, alongside the rapid rise in interest rates, most young Canadians are feeling pretty hopeless about homeownership right now… especially Gen Z. But is homeownership completely out of the question for them? I think there’s hope. Here’s why you should never say never.

It’s no secret that vacationing in Hawaii can be expensive. It’s a remote set of islands, after all, and it’s not cheap to transport goods all the way to the middle of the pacific. My wife and I found out just how expensive it can be when arrived in Oahu, one of the most popular islands for tourism in Hawaii. We had done our research on how to keep costs low, but there were definitely some things that caught us by surprise. If you’re looking to visit Oahu for your next trip, here are 10 tips that will help keep you under-budget.

As 2022 comes to an end, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the posts I created this past year, and highlight the five I'm most proud of. This list isn't a list of the posts that got the most views; it's a list of the posts I felt the best about out of all of the ones I created in 2022.

It can be gut-wrenching to be an investor in the time frame before and during a recession. The markets can seem to go completely haywire, leading many to swear off of investing completely, at least for a while. But don’t be so quick to hit the eject button and pull the ripcord on your parachute! If you do, you could be doing yourself a massive disservice. Here’s why.

Once upon a time, Financial Advisors played a very specific role for their clients. Their job was to understand your financial situation, explore investment options, and then make a recommendation back to you as to how best to invest your money to meet your goals. That role is changing, though. Let’s take a look at the forces at play, shall we?